Welcome to this section of the club website which is dedicated to the Alumni Group to enable Alumni to keep in contact with former members and to communicate with them as to what is happening at the club.
Regular newsletters or notices will be sent out and members of the group will be notified of major events at the club and invited to an annual Alumni Day, the first of which is on Saturday 17th August, 2024.
A list of Alumni members will also appear, although you have the right to be removed from the list if you so choose.
There is no cost to become an Alumni and we want to keep registration as simple as possible by avoiding completion of any application forms. All you need to do is inform Chris Hurd, preferably by email (his email is christopher.hurd@sky.com ) and he will complete all necessary documentation on your behalf.
We do have to comply with Data Protection Laws. Club policy appears below and by joining the group it will be deemed that you have accepted the policy and are happy to have your name and email address held on the club’s database.
Wanstead Cricket Club - GDPR Policy
New data protection legislation came into force on 25th May 2018, which regulates the use of personal data stored. The personal information that members provide to the club will be held electronically and used solely for club activities. This may be shared with team managers, team captains in adult sides and Club Officers to manage members’ registration and participation in games as well as notifying you of club events. A member’s name may appear on the club website as part of managing fixtures and reporting results. Members’ data may be disclosed to other cricket authorities as necessary, for cricket purposes only. Members have the right to see what data the club has recorded about them, can ask for any incorrect or incomplete data to be corrected or can request that personal data be removed. They can also opt out of receiving information from the club by email, telephone or SMS.
25th July 2024