Compliance evidence – proforma
We are ECB Clubmark accredited, which demonstrates our commitment to prioritising junior development and creating a benchmark for high quality community club cricket. This ECB Clubmark scheme is fully integrated with the Safe Hands programme and shows that Wanstead is sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for its members. ECB Clubmark accreditation also means we are recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents and carers that they are choosing the right option for their young people. As part of the ongoing certification process, during 2021 we were asked by the ECB to provide evidence, via their new Safe Hands Management System (SHMS), that we are meeting the required safeguarding standards.
Enhancements are regularly made to the ECB safeguarding proposals. We monitor these to ensure any changes are reflected in the Club’s Safeguarding Policy and that our review and reporting processes are relevant and up-to-date. We continue to progress the following key areas:
- The Management Committee to monitor safeguarding performance regularly. A ‘standing agenda’ item requires reports from the Club Safeguarding Officer or a nominated Panel Member on key information they may consider necessary from time to time. Such information may include, but not be restricted to, details on any major safeguarding incidents. This encompasses serious injury, health concerns including viral and other threatening developments, complaints, alleged abuse, conduct/suspensions and statistics on police and or other screening, Safeguarding and First Aid courses, including attendance and outcome. Latest practice and recommendations and report on policy updates are also likely to be requested.
- Regular reports on all or some of these topics for the Cricket Secretary and Head of Junior Cricket and Football Secretary, according to their defined requirements.
- In recognition of concerns over potential Social Media abuse and related emotional harm, an annual audit on the club’s capability and outcomes from a safeguarding perspective, to be carried out by a Volunteer who is considered by the Volunteer Steering Group (VSG) to have the capability to carry such a review and who is independent of the Club’s communications processes.